Monday, April 14, 2014

20140414 Rime Chinese Input Method

This one is very handy and most important of all, it is an open source software.

Some customization tips:

* Change the number of phrases/characters to be selected per page:

Add the following to C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Rime\default.custom.yaml
        "menu/page_size": 9

then 開始功能表 | 小狼毫輸入法 | 【小狼毫】重新部署

* Change the layout of this input method:

Add the following to C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Rime\weasel.custom.yaml

        style/horizontal: true          # 候選橫排
        style/inline_preedit: true      # 內嵌編碼(僅支持 TSF)
        style/display_tray_icon: true   # 顯示托盤圖示

then 開始功能表 | 小狼毫輸入法 | 【小狼毫】重新部署

* Delete user-defined phrase

When input, select the to-be-deleted user-defined phrase and [Ctrl-Delete] to delete.

System provided phrases cannot be deleted.

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